ORDER PROCESSING - Normal order processing from Nuclei LLC (d/b/a The SuperCube Company), from the time you order until we ship your package, can take between 1 to 3 business days. This timeline is specifically applicable to orders received and processed during a standard work week of Monday through Friday.
SHIPPING TIMELINE - Orders delivered from Nuclei LLC (d/b/a The SuperCube Company), within the 48 contiguous states, should arrive in 3 to 5 business days from the time of ordering, depending on delivery location. Orders shipped to Alaska and Hawaii will take an additional 2 to 3 days for delivery.
SHIPPING PROVIDER - Nuclei LLC (d/b/a The SuperCube Company) ships your package via USPS Priority mail. Shipping generally takes 2 to 3 business days and business days do not include weekends. Please note that orders could arrive in multiple packages. You should receive an email from Nuclei LLC (d/b/a The SuperCube Company) with the name of the shipper and your tracking information and this tracking number will allow you know your exact delivery date.
SHIPPING REGIONS - Nuclei LLC (d/b/a The SuperCube Company) is not offering shipping outside of the United States at this time. Currently the company is ships to all states within the United States.
SHIPPING QUESTIONS - Should you have any additional questions around the shipment of your Nuclei LLC (d/b/a The SuperCube Company) orders please contact the company via email at We will work to get back to you within 24 hours of your email being received.